Early Childhood Early Intervention Approach

Early Childhood Early Intervention approach

What is ECEI?

The ECEI approach is the way the NDIS delivers early childhood intervention supports for children aged 0 to 6 years with a disability or developmental  delay. It focuses on integrating supports to meet the child’s needs across various settings, including preschools, playgroups and the early years of school.
Timely, comprehensive and well-integrated early intervention supports will foster inclusion and participation in the child’s environment and offers the child the best chance of achieving their potential.

Who is eligible for ECEI?

The NDIS ECEI stream has unique eligibility requirements that apply to children aged 0 to 6 years. To be eligible, children need to have a disability or developmental delay which results in:

  • substantially reduced functional capacity in one or more areas of self-care, receptive and expressive language, cognitive development or motor development,
  • the need for a combination and sequence of special interdisciplinary or generic care, treatment or other services which are of extended duration and are individually planned and coordinated.

Early Childhood Early Intervention approach

How do children access ECEI?

The ECEI approach uses existing referral pathways into early childhood intervention through maternal child health services, pediatricians and general practitioners. Parents and carers with children aged 0-6 years are able to self-refer to their local ECEI provider or they can contact the NDIS in their area

The NDIS early childhood approach allows families and carers of children under seven who have a developmental concerns, developmental delay or disability to access timely, targeted and in dividualised early childhood support for their child. We support families who wish to better understand their child’s support needs, identifying the most appropriate response to address those needs.

Early supports may include access to information, direct provision of early intervention strategies, family-based education and parenting support and linkages to community and mainstream services. If it is identified that a child would be better supported through an individual funded National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan, we can assist families through the access process.

Supporting you along the way

  • Do you feel your child may need support? Get in touch and we will organise a meeting to discuss your concerns.
  • We will give you information to help understand and determine your child’s needs.
  • Together, we will work out what supports and services are available in your community.
  • We can provide short term early supports if your child needs them
  • If your child will be best supported with a NDIS plan, we will work with you to request NDIS access.
  • Your child’s progress will be monitored against their goals.